Quail Care

How To Hatch Quail Eggs

How To Hatch Quail Eggs

Here are some tips and tricks we have learned over the years of hatching quail eggs, along with our favorite Incubators to use.

Caring for Quail in the Winter

Caring for Quail in the Winter

One of the things that originally drew us to raising quail, was how easy they are to care for. Their needs are pretty basic, and once you know what they are, quail can quickly become one of the easiest animals to raise on your homestead. This goes for winter time too!

Quail Eggs:  A Superfood.

Quail Eggs: A Superfood.

The Incredible Quail Egg… I brag all the time about how AMAZING quail are.   They have quickly become my favorite pocket-sized producer here on our homestead… More than the garden, more than the chickens or goats, definitely more than our equine companions, and they […]

Am I worried about Schmutz on my eggs??

Am I worried about Schmutz on my eggs??

Sometimes our eggs have Schmutz on them.   That’s right, Schmutz. It isn’t necessarily poop.  Though it can be.  It usually is some mud or whatnot.  This is because our quail are raised on the ground.  And so their eggs are also layed on the ground.  […]

Everything You Need to Know to Get Started Raising Quail

Everything You Need to Know to Get Started Raising Quail

Today I wanted to tell you about Quail and why you NEED to have some on your farm/homestead/urban homestead/backyard/spare bedroom.  OK I may be stretching it with the spare bedroom thing, but no, really, you need some! Quail are such a fabulous addition to any […]