Specialty Chickens and Quail for the Modern Homestead

Chicken Care

Caring for Your Chickens in the Winter

Caring for Your Chickens in the Winter

Baby it’s cold outside!  At least it is here in the mountains of Western North Carolina.  I don’t know about you, but I am a big baby when it comes to winter and the cold.  You can find me curled up next to my woodstove, […]

Am I worried about Schmutz on my eggs??

Am I worried about Schmutz on my eggs??

Sometimes our eggs have Schmutz on them.   That’s right, Schmutz. It isn’t necessarily poop.  Though it can be.  It usually is some mud or whatnot.  This is because our quail are raised on the ground.  And so their eggs are also layed on the ground.  […]

Introducing New Chickens To An Existing Flock

Introducing New Chickens To An Existing Flock

A really common question I get from my customers is how do you introduce new chicks to your existing flock of chickens?  This is such an important question, and you will get TONS of answers depending on who you ask! Well over the years, we […]